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Fort Safety Works...

Protecting kids and strengthening families is the north star of Fort Safety. That has been our guiding principle since day one - it is at the center of everything we do.


We cannot complete this lofty mission however, without the generosity and support of families, schools, businesses, faith organizations, and charitable foundations.

Support Child Safety

Donate Today

Help us protect kids from online predators by supporting Fort Safety. Your donation enables us to provide educational resources and tools to keep children safe in the digital world. Join us in our mission to create a safer online environment for all children.

On behalf of over 150,00 children,  students, families, and educators we have helped since 2013, we just wanted to say...

Thank You!

Supporting Students & Their Future Careers


Working with corporate sponsor DNSFilter, Fort Safety created a statewide project-based learning opportunity for high school students in 2019.

Project211, as it was called, was a competition where each high school is tasked with creating its own internet safety filtering company. This new company would offer its services to local schools and businesses as a way of protecting kids from online dangers in public areas.

The student teams were required to submit a business and marketing plan, logo, videos, promotional materials, and presentations of their fictitious company. Fort Safety Board of Directors, Advisors, and educators acted as the judges.

Over $750 of prize money was given to the deserving winners. Project211 was a rousing success with students and their teachers since it involved several career clusters and gave the students valuable classroom and field experience.


Supporting Schools & Educators


Fort Safety is providing leadership, support, and training to a growing number of school advisory boards, and career and technical education programs across the nation.

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Supporting Other Nonprofits


From the day of our inception, we were determined not just to speak about internet issues, but to actually DO something about it by supporting other nonprofits that are doing some amazing things. For example, in 2018, Fort Safety was able to donate $1,000 to Sunrise Ministries of Georgia as part of one of our school events.

What Your Donation Supports

Umbrella/special projects(school competitions, educational curriculums, diversion programs, supporting anti sex trafficking initiatives, live presentations(sustain development of our live presentations so that we can continue to inspire and educate youth, teachers, and parents about the healthy tech habits.) , shareable content ( new educational videos, graphics, webinars, and other awareness raising content)


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