Meet John
Certified Digital Addiction Life Coach and Speaker
Break free from screen addiction! Do you struggle with what you are looking at on your phone? Are you worried about how much time your kids spend gaming or if they talk to predators online? Are your relationships falling apart due to your online habits? My name is John Winstanley, and I am a certified Digital Addiction Coach with 20 years of digital sober experience, 180 hours of digital addiction recovery training, and 12 years of teaching internet safety from the stage to over 115,000 people. Let me help you break free from those chains of addiction today! Let's talk. Book your free consultation today!
What I Specialize In
ALERT Families
Digital addiction coaching is like a 911 call that you can make that can save your life from the shame of addiction, broken relationships, shattered careers and hopelessness. Without John, I wouldn’t have accomplished what I did.
- Digital Addiction Coach Client, Male 63
I couldn’t recommend John more highly as a digital addiction coach who has helped me combat and continue to combat and heal from my addiction. Meeting John as a coach allowed me to see a positive and successful path forward from my addiction to technology and means I can see a way forward from someone who has faced the same addiction and natural obstacles but found a way on.
-RADD Group client
John Winstanley is a very enthusiastic and engaging person! So thankful for the time and energy he took with us to help us become more aware of social media. Fort Safety is the best! Keep up the great work!
-Mom of 12-year-old, ALERT Families Client