Peer-to-Peer Internet Safety Mentoring, Internships, and Competitions
Early on in FortSafety’s history, it became apparent that school systems were interested in finding practical, fun, and educational ways to integrate internet safety into their student’s daily lives. Existing classroom-based internet safety content was found to be dry and ineffective in teaching employable digital skills students could use and get excited about.
Fortsafety’s Student Ambassador program:
We offer internship and/or volunteer opportunities that provide our ambassadors with opportunities to create internet safety apps, websites, marketing campaigns, and graphic designs. Students can also learn social media management, speaking, accounting, and nonprofit management.
We created a multi-school system project-based competition where student teams compete against each other for cash prizes in a shark-tank-like environment.
FortSafety also offers student ambassador clubs where students help other students get help with internet safety issues. Students prefer to talk to other supported and trained by FortSafety, student ambassadors can become a beacon of light in the digital darkness.